Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Big Sur River Run 2010

Now is the time to start posting all the posts that have been sitting in my dashboard because I thought my blog was ugly :)

So did ya know I ran the Big Sur River Run? No worries, for a short time I forgot as well.
Teamed up with my wonderful friend Lindsey to run the beautiful route along the Big Sur River.

We prepared for a FREEZING run, if I remember correctly there was supposed to be a 100% chance of rain .... ummm... CLEAR SKIES baby!

Lindsey here is a speed demon. Qualified for Boston, more times than I can count , didnt know I had friends like that huh? LOL, I dont. In our minds we are speed demons, but no Boston qualifiers.

Who do I think I am here? SuperMan?

People have their priorities.

The "river"

Gorgeous right? 

"What up Smokey!"

I think mid-stride we are both looking good :)

I remember looking at this before the race. Though staring at it there was a time during the race I thought to myself "Where in the hell are we going? I thought this was a loop!"

This dude kept hollering at us "WILL WALK FOR WINE"! Lindsey and I always pick up the hot guys :)


  1. Hi Christina, I'm working with the Big Sur River Run committee for this year's event and would love to feature some of your pics on our website (in the process of getting a makeover) and Facebook page. You captured some great images from the perspective of a runner. :)
