Sunday, June 13, 2010

Healthy Eating is Expensive

 I've had the LAST of it.
Why oh why does healthy eating HAVE to be so expensive?
It really doesnt have to be. But to magically go to the store and buy all the things that are in the typical meal planner is FLIPPIN expensive.
Today we spent $200 on a weeks worth of food.
Thats is ABSURD.
$100 of that was strictly in produce and who knows if that will last the rest of the week!
After this attempt of sticking to recipe book like meals , I've decided to already DITCH that. I just had to give it a try.
Also when I came home and looked through my cabinets I made another decision to CLEAR IT ALL OUT. Now it would be easy to just throw it all out. But I will go through and make a healthy meal from all remaining random canned food.
This is a huge step people. Step to healthier choices and healthier living. This mom is going to break it down from scratch, find delicious food, INEXPENSIVE food and last and most important KID FRIENDLY.

This is key. We are all always trying to "lose" weight. Or just be "healthy". It should be EASY and CHEAP. Yep, I said it CHEAP.
Living in a one income family (even though Im trying to work my way up through the ranks) we live on a BUDGET. So do MANY of us. I know some of us try, or we just know our limits. I get so many questions on "healthy snacks" and "easy lunches". So now Im going to take the time to find the answers.
Now Im not a vegan, nor am I all "organic".
Im EASY, CHEAP and SUPER EASY. ( sounds a little sleezy huh? )
Whatever, I'm one of those moms that gets home from a crazy day and I'm to exhausted to cook anything let alone take the time to clean up the BOMB that blows up in my kitchen after making dinner.
So here I go on my CONQUEST for you , for me , for the sake of my family , oh and can I say SANITY to be FIT, HEALTHY, HAPPY and NOT BROKE.
Wish me luck, who knows where this journey will take me. Who I will meet and want nasty food I might encounter.
All feedback and secret recipes are GREATLY appreciated.


  1. I totally hear you! Over the years we've become a creature of habit with the foods we eat because of that very reason! We do experiment once-in-while (on the weekends) to break the monotony. It is expensive, so when we find a healthy, less "spendy" (husband's term) recipe, we put it in a binder. Over time we've found some really good values that are healthy too! One of our favorites is something we call Mediterranean turkey burgers. Just turkey, some crumbled feta cheese, chopped fresh spinach and diced tomatoes. We can make these on Sunday and have them through the week for lunches and super quick dinners with a veggie and some quinoa! That is if your family likes leftovers; I know some don't!

    Oh! Men's Health magazine has some great recipes too and generally they have very few ingredients!

  2. Oh! This is the same Donna from Daily Mile :)

  3. I know. When you can get a pizza for $5 that will fee your family of 4, it's hard to pass that up. You can hardly make a salad for less than that much less a filling meal.


    I use this website a lot. The recipes are pretty good and she has two kids that she has to feed as well.
