Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Love What You Do.

Just saw this posted on someones Facebook page. Had to stop and really think and appreciate what I do. What do I do? I swim, bike, run my way through motherhood. I also help mothers reach their goals through fitness, and helping them turn their love into fitness into their own independent financial freedom.
Just recently pushing through PPD, in the past month I realized that I am HAPPY. To some it might be easy, to mothers dealing with post partum depression, its not so easy. Had someone say "being happy is a choice you make". For some yes , others no. I remember sitting here on the couch staring at my wonderful husband, gorgeous children, with no real worries. Having everything in the world to be glorious about, but I could not find happiness in it at all. I'd stare and stare some more. Where was I? I felt as though I was outside of my body watching myself and I was stuck.
Are YOU there? Were there? Don't worry there is a way out and you can find it. My path was fitness, it was something I LOVED. I've now turned that LOVE into my LIFE and I LOVE what I do.
Love your life people, we only live once.
What do you love to do?


  1. Glad you're through your PPD. My wife is expecting end of July and, while she's never exhibited it before, it's always a worry for me. I don't love my job, but I work with great people, it's a stable occupation, and it pays enough that we are comfortable. What makes me happy is when I make my family happy. Sppy but true.

  2. I love photography and everything that comes along with it. I love having the freedom to be creative and express myself. I also enjoy the fact that photography opens up so many doors for me to meet amazing people,and in some cases, form friendships!

  3. AWESOME post! Ooh, I was stuck and it scared me to death. Working out helped me too. It's a beautiful thing. Thanks for sharing!

    Winks & Smiles,
